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Herbed Sheet Pasta & Plant Butter Sauce with Pistachio, Sweet Potato & Basil

Recipe by Chef Kristen Kish
  • 2 hr
  • Preparation time 
    30 min
  • Servings
recipe image Herbed Sheet Pasta & Plant Butter Sauce with Pistachio, Sweet Potato & Basil


Pasta Dough
  • 2 cups all-pupose flour, plus more for dusting and rolling
  • 8 large egg yolks *
  • 2 large whole eggs *
  • 1 bundle parsley, leaves only - reserve some for garnish
  • 1 bundle tarragon, leaves only - reserve some for garnish
  • *For vegan pasta, swap eggs for 1 cup liquid egg substitute
Sweet Potato Puree
  • 2 large sweet potatoes
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons Flora™ Plant Butter Unsalted
  • 2 tablespoons Flora™ Dairy Free Multipurpose Crème
  • salt to taste
Fried Pistachio Garnish
  • 1/2 cup shelled raw pistachios
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • salt to taste
Plant Butter Sauce
  • 2 tablespoons pasta water
  • fresh lemon juice to taste, about 1 1/2 teaspoons
  • 3 tablespoons Flora™ Plant Butter Unsalted, cut into cubes
  • 1 teaspoon honey
  • salt to taste


      Pasta Dough
      1. On a clean surface create a well with the flour. Add eggs to the center, and using a fork slowly whisk in eggs and egg yolks into the flour. Once the flour is completely incorporated and a dough has formed, knead the dough into a large ball. Continue kneading with your hands until the dough has the consistency of play-doh, tacky but not sticky. If the pasta dough does not want to soak up all the flour, do not force it. Alternatively, in a humid kitchen the dough may require more flour. Lightly dust the dough ball in flour, and wrap in plastic wrap. Allow the dough to rest at room temperature in a dry place for 30 minutes, maximum 1 hour.
      2. To roll out the pasta dough, use a pasta attachment or roller of your choice. Divide dough ball into 4 pieces and roll one piece at time. Start on the widest setting and run the dough through the machine. Using the folding method run the dough through the machine another 10-15 times until the pasta sheets are lighter in color and firmer in texture. You will need to lightly dust the sheets with flour accordingly. From there drop the setting on the pasta roller and run the pasta sheet through the machine once. Repeat this process, dropping the setting on the pasta roller after each run until the pasta sheets are the thickness of a penny.
      3. At this point, lay the herbs on one half of each sheet, leaving space in between each herb leaf. Very lightly mist water over the non-herbed side and fold sheet over. Widen the pasta roller to the widest setting and run sheets through the machine once on each successive setting until paper thin, dusting with flour as needed. Cut the sheets into 5x7 rectangle, and store on a lined tray dusted with semolina flour. If not using immediately, freeze until ready to use.
      Sweet Potato Puree
      1. Bake sweet potatoes in an oven at 400F until tender, about one hour depending on the size. Scoop out sweet potato flesh while still hot and place in a blender with remaining ingredients. Blend until completely smooth and velvety, using the water to loosen if the puree is too thick. Keep warm or refrigerate until ready to use, warming when needed.
      Fried Pistachio Garnish
      1. In a small sauté pan, heat olive oil to about 320 degrees. Add pistachios to the pan, and fry until golden. using a slotted spoon, remove fried pistachios and drain on paper towel. Season immediately with salt. Once cool, roughly chop and set aside for garnishing.
      Bringing it together with Plant Butter Sauce
      1. Bring a large pot of salted boiling water up to a rolling boil. Drop in 1-2 sheets of the pasta and cook until tender, approx. 3-4 minutes.
      2. While pasta is cooking, build the Plant Butter Sauce by adding pasta water and lemon juice to the sauté pan over medium heat. Add cubes of butter, swirling the pan to emulsify. Add salt to taste and honey. Transfer cooked pasta to the saute pan and toss to coat with Plant Butter Sauce,
      3. In a wide shallow bowl, spoon a few tablespoons of sweet potato puree on the bottom. Ribbon the sheet of pasta on top of the puree. Spoon over remaining plant butter sauce until coated, and garnish with a sprinkle of fried pistachios, torn fresh basil, a few cracks of black pepper and flake salt.