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In the bowl of an electric mixer, fitted with the paddle attachment, blend Flora Plant Butter and tahini until light and creamy. Add sugar, salt and vanilla and beat until smooth.
Alternately add flour and coconut milk until just combined. Form dough into two 2 x 8-inch logs. Wrap in unbleached parchment paper and refrigerate 1 hour.
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Slice each log into 24 cookies (each about 1/3-inch thick). Arrange cookies on parchment-lined baking sheet. Bake 12 to 14 minutes or until edges begin to turn golden.
Cool on cookie sheet for 2 to 3 minutes. Remove cookies to wire rack and cool completely. Repeat with remaining cookie dough.
Coconut Caramel Topping
Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Arrange coconut on baking sheet in an even layer. Bake 5 minutes, stirring occasionally, until golden. (Watch carefully during this step to prevent overcooking.) Set aside.
Combine sugar and water in medium saucepan and heat over low heat whisking frequently until the sugar dissolves completely and the syrup is clear, about 5 to 8 minutes. If sugar crystals appear above the surface of the syrup, brush down the sides of the saucepan with a damp pastry brush.
When the sugar dissolves, clip an instant-read thermometer to the side of the pan so that the heat sensor is immersed in the syrup. Raise the heat to medium-high and bring the syrup to a boil, whisking until bubbles begin to form, then stop stirring. Continue cooking the syrup for about 10 to 15 minutes without stirring, brushing down the sides if crystals form.
Once the sugar starts to caramelize, it will quickly darken. Watch it carefully to make sure the caramel does not burn. If it starts to darken around the edges, lower the heat, and swirl it with the pastry brush to keep the color even throughout. When the syrup reaches 350 degrees and is a medium-dark amber color, remove it immediately from the heat and carefully stir in Flora Plant Butter and coconut milk. Mixture will foam and bubble. Stir in vanilla and salt, then fold in toasted coconut.
Working quickly. Spoon about 1 teaspoon coconut mixture on each cookie and spread evenly. Let cool 30 minutes for topping to set.
Chocolate Layer and Drizzle
Melt chocolate over double boiler. Transfer to small bowl. Dip bottom of cookies into chocolate. Wipe excess chocolate with spatula and place on parchment paper. Place remaining chocolate in pastry bag fitted with small tip and drizzle over cookies. Or use a spoon and drizzle chocolate over cookies. Refrigerate 30 minutes or until set. Store cookies in airtight container.