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Berry & Oat Breakfast Muffins

A healthy and easy breakfast option to get the weekend off to a great start.

A healthy and easy breakfast option to get the weekend off to a great start.

  • Cooking Time
    20 minutes
  • Prep Time20 minutes
  • Servings12 portions
recipe image Berry & Oat Breakfast Muffins
  • 150 grams Flora
  • 75 grams light brown sugar
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 bananas
  • 150 grams plain flour
  • 50 grams oats
  • 1 tsp oat milk
  • 100 grams blueberries and raspberries
  • 50 grams mixed seeds
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  1. Heat the oven to 180C/160C fan. Line a muffin tray with muffin cases. Whisk the melted Flora with the sugar and eggs, then fold in the mashed banana.
  2. Mix the flour, blitzed oats and baking powder, then tip into the egg mix. Splash in the oat milk to loosen the mix a little, then fold in the blueberries and raspberries.
  3. Use 2 tablespoons or an ice cream scoop to divide the mixture between the muffin cases. Toss the topping ingredients together and sprinkle over the muffins.
  4. Bake for 20 mins until golden. Cool completely in the tin then keep in an airtight container for the rest of the week, dishing out to hungry mouths at breakfast times!