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Roasted Roots Winter Salad

Give your salad a twist with this delicious roasted roots winter salad recipe. Packed with lots of vegetables! Read more here.

  • Cooking Time
    40 minutes
  • Prep Time15 minutes
recipe image Roasted Roots Winter Salad
  • 500g carrots
  • 500g parsnips
  • 300g beetroot, peeled and cut into wedges
  • 4 tbsp Flora Original, melted
  • 100g kale
  • 1 lemon, juiced
  • 1 tsp each mustard and honey
  • 50g hazelnuts, roasted, roughly chopped, plus extra to serve
  • 50g fresh or dried cranberries
  • 25g pack mint, reserving some to serve
  1. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan. Slice up most of the carrots and parsnips into batons, reserving 2 whole carrots and parsnips. Toss the cut vegetables 2 tbsp of the Flora and season. Tip into a roasting try and cook for 30-40 mins, until soft. On a separate tray, add the beetroot wedges with 1 tbsp of Flora, season and roast alongside the other veg. Use a vegetable peeler to peel the reserved vegetables into long ribbons.
  2. Toss the carrot and parsnip ribbons with the kale and massage with half of the lemon juice. Whisk the remaining Flora with the rest of the lemon juice and the mustard and honey. Season well.
  3. Allow the roasted veg to cool a little, then toss with the kale mix, hazelnuts, cranberries and mint. Tip onto a serving plate, snuggle the beetroot in, top with the reserved mint leaves and serve.