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Toad in the Hole

Family meals don't get much more comforting than this toad in a hole recipe. It's easy, delicious and perfect for the whole family! Read more.

  • Cooking Time
    45 minutes
  • Prep Time15 minutes
recipe image Toad in the Hole
  • 8 veggie sausages
  • 2 tbsp Flora Original
  • 3 red onions, cut into wedges
  • 200g mushroom, sliced
  • 4 eggs
  • 325ml milk, or dairy free alternative
  • 250g plain flour
For the gravy
  • 1 1/2 tbsp Flora Original
  • 1 tbsp plain flour
  • 1 tbsp soy sauce
  • 1 tsp tomato puree
  • 500ml veggie stock
  1. Whisk the eggs, milk and flour with some seasoning, making sure it’s lump-free. Set aside. Heat the oven to 220C/200C fan. Tip the Flora into the base of a baking dish, then add the onion slices, mushrooms and sausages. Roast for 10 mins, until the sausages are golden, giving everything a shake halfway through.
  2. Pour the batter into the baking dish. Cook for 12 mins, until risen and golden, then turn down the heat to 180C/160C fan and cook for 20 mins more.
  3. Meanwhile, make the gravy. Melt the Flora in a saucepan and add the plain flour, whisk and cook for 2 mins, until thickened. Add the soy, tomato puree, and balsamic vinegar, then slowly add the stock and whisk well. Turn down the heat and cook for 20 mins, until thickened. Season to taste.
  4. Serve the toad in the hole with some sautéed green vegetables, pouring the veggie gravy over everything.