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Banana Walnut Loaf

You’ll need not one, not two but three large ripe bananas to make this easy banana walnut loaf recipe – but we think you’ll agree that it’s definitely worth it. Packed with banana flavour and the complementary rich taste and crunch of walnuts, this loaf is simple to bake and very easy to eat. It’s great for an indulgent breakfast, tea, or even as a dessert.

Our banana walnut loaf is packed with flavour, with the complementary rich taste and crunch of walnuts. It’s great for an indulgent treat. Read more.

  • Cooking Time
    1 hour 15 minutes
  • Prep Time15 minutes
  • Servings16 portions
recipe image Banana Walnut Loaf
  • 125 ml Flora Cuisine
  • 175 g (6oz) soft brown sugar
  • 3 Large ripe bananas, mashed
  • 2 eggs, Medium, beaten
  • 225 g (8oz) self-raising flour, sieved
  • 0.5 tsp baking powder
  • 85 g (3oz) walnuts, chopped
  • Assorted nuts to decorate, optional
  1. Place all ingredients (omit baking powder if using Buttery) in a mixing bowl and beat well together. Place mixture in a greased and bottom-lined 1kg (2lb) loaf tin.
  2. Bake in the middle of a preheated oven 160°C, 150°C fan, gas mark 3 for 1¼–1½ hours. Turn out and cool on a wire tray.
  3. Brush top of loaf with a little apricot jam and arrange nuts on top.