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Thai Oven-Baked Cod

Give a Friday favourite a new twist with this Thai fish recipe for oven-baked cod. Combining aromatic Thai flavours with flaky fish, it’s a melt-in-the-mouth meal that’ll brighten up any dinner table.

Quick and easy to prepare, this Thai-style cod fillet recipe makes a nice change when you want to get something delicious on the table swiftly. Everyone’s favorite cod fillets are coated in red Thai curry paste with Flora and baked briefly so they stay nice and moist.

Give a Friday favourite a new twist with this Thai oven-baked cod recipe. Combining aromatic Thai flavours with flaky fish, it’s a melt-in-the-mouth.

  • Cooking Time
    35 minutes
  • Prep Time20 minutes
recipe image Thai Oven-Baked Cod
  • 1 tbsp Thai red curry paste
  • 60g Flora Original
  • 500g baby potatoes
  • 4 cod fillets
  • 100g (about 6-8) spring onions
  • 200g long-stemmed broccoli
  • Handful coriander, stems and leaves separated, and stems roughly chopped
  • 1 halved lime
  • 120g dairy free coconut yogurt
  1. Heat the oven to 200C/180C fan.
  2. Slice the potatoes in half, quartering any larger ones, then scatter into a roasting tin, dot with a 1 ½ tbsp of the Flora Original and sprinkle with salt.
  3. Roast for 20 mins.
  4. Whilst the potatoes are roasting, mix the remaining Flora with the Thai green curry paste and set aside. Finely slice the top green part the spring onions and set aside, leaving the white part whole. Once the potatoes have been roasting for 20 mins, remove the roasting tin from the oven and add the white part of the spring onions, broccoli and chopped coriander stems, toss.
  5. Nestle the cod fillets in between the veg or lay on top if you don’t have space, spread the paste on top of the cod fillets. Place half of the lime into the pan. Roast for 15 more mins, the fish should be flaking apart once it’s cooked.
  6. Whilst the fish is cooking, squeeze the remaining half lime into the yogurt and season with salt and black pepper.
  7. Remove the pan from the oven and squeeze the roasted lime half over the pan, drizzle with the lime yogurt, top with coriander leaves, and the remaining sliced spring onions. Serve straight from the tin.