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Very Berry French Toast

We have teamed up with @girlcooksboybakes to create some delicious and healthy balanced recipes which can support an active lifestyle. Why not try this delicious very berry french toast for breakfast, there’s no better way to start your day with a smile! You can swap the milk and yogurt for plant-based options to make this breakfast dairy-free!

We have teamed up with @girlcooksboybakes to create some delicious and healthy balanced recipes which can support an active lifestyle. Why not try this delicious very berry french toast for breakfast, there’s no better way to start your day with a smile! You can swap the milk and yogurt for plant-based options to make this breakfast dairy-free!

  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings1
recipe image Very Berry French Toast
  • bread
  • 1tbsp Flora 100% Natural Ingredients
  • a dollop of yogurt or plant-based yogurt
  • honey
Egg wash
  • 3 eggs
  • 200ml milk or plant-based milk
  • 1tbsp vanilla extract
  • 1tbsp cinnamon
  • 75g blueberries
  • 75g raspberries
  • 75g blackberries
  • 70g caster sugar
  • juice of half a small lemon
  1. Whisk the eggs, add the cinnamon, vanilla extract and milk together in a bowl and then add the bread and allow to soak up the egg wash.
  2. Melt the Flora in a pan and cook bread for 2 mins on both sides.
  3. To create the compote: add the berries, sugar, and lemon juice to a pan on medium heat and once it starts to bubble, crush the berries and stir until the sauce thickens. If you want the compote warm, serve straight away but we allowed it to cool in the fridge before serving.
  4. Layer the bread with the compote in between the layers and garnish with more berries, a dollop of yogurt and a drizzle of honey.