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Hasselback Loaded Sweet Potato

Start your day with this heatly breakfast recipe lorum ipsum dolores

Start your day with this heatly breakfast recipe lorum ipsum dolores

  • Cooking Time
    50 minutes
  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings12 portions
  • 100 grams cherry jam or raspberry jam
  • 30 grams flaked almonds
  • 12 fresh cherries stoned halved
  • icing sugar to dust
  1. Preheat oven to 180c fan.
  2. Line a 9 inch square baking tin with parchment paper.
  3. Put all of the ingredients for the Blondie base in a food processor and process. When the texture is smooth pour half the mixture into the prepared tin and level out.
  4. Swirl the cherry jam(raspberry jam) over the mixture. Carefully spread the remaining mixture over the top being careful not to spread the jam too much.
  5. Sprinkle on the almond flakes and then arrange the fresh cherries on the top.
  6. Bake for 40-50 mins. Cool and then dust with icing sugar and divide into 12 delicious Blondie Brownies.