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Scrambled eggs with vegetables

@yummy_mummy_closet has been using Flora to support her training for the Virgin Money London Marathon, by fuelling her body with some delicious meals that are easy to prepare and packed full of nutritious ingredients. This scrambled egg recipe is one of her favourites, give it a try!

@yummymummycloset has been using Flora to support her training for the Virgin Money London Marathon, by fuelling her body with some delicious meals that are easy to prepare and packed full of nutritious ingredients. This scrambled egg recipe is one of her favourites, give it a try!

  • Cooking Time
    10 minutes
  • Prep Time5 minutes
  • Servings1
recipe image Scrambled eggs with vegetables
  • 2 tablespoons of Flora 100% Natural Ingredients
  • 30 ml of milk
  • 3 eggs
  • sea salt/black pepper/chilli flakes
  • fresh thyme
  • 1 clove of garlic, thinly sliced or crushed
  • 3 florets of tender stem broccoli
  • 1 red bell pepper, de-seeded and thickly sliced
  • 8 cherry tomatoes on the vine
  • half an avocado, thinly sliced or diced
  1. Whisk eggs in a bowl, add the milk, season with desired amount of sea salt and black pepper, set aside
  2. Melt 1 tablespoon of Flora 100% Natural Ingredients in a pan with the chopped or crushed garlic in a skillet pan on a low-medium heat. Once melted, add the sliced red bell pepper and tender stem broccoli. Turn the vegetables intermittently until they start to caramelise, then add the cherry tomatoes. Season the vegetables with sea salt, black pepper, and fresh thyme. Once the skin of the tomatoes starts to wrinkle, turn the heat off and move on to making your scrambled eggs
  3. Melt 1 tablespoon of Flora 100% Natural Ingredients in a pan on a low heat; once melted, add the eggs. Using a spatula, once eggs begin to firm, slowly and gently turn your eggs from the bottom to the top of the pan to form small-soft curds. Cook until eggs are thickened, but not dry and there is no visible liquid
  4. Now it’s time to serve... Slice or dice the avocado, serve with the scrambled eggs and garlicky vegetables. Add a sprinkle of the chilli flakes if you want some heat and enjoy!