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Tuna, Celery and Mayo Wrap

There’s something fishy about these wraps… they taste so good but they’re just so healthy! With a whole bundle of textures going on in these tortillas, they’re a guaranteed taste sensation. You don’t have to include peanuts if they seem a little too exotic, but they’re great for adding a little extra crunch to your lunch. Quick and easy, these are perfect for picnics in the park or a speedy lunchtime snack.

There’s something fishy about our tuna celery and mayo wraps…they taste so good but are so healthy! Quick and easy, these are perfect for lunchtime.

  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings2 portions
recipe image Tuna, Celery and Mayo Wrap
  • 15 g (½oz) Flora Light
  • 100 g (3½oz) tinned tuna steak in spring water, drained
  • ¼ red onion, sliced
  • 1 celery stick, sliced
  • 15 g (½oz) peanuts (optional)
  • handful of mixed lettuce or rocket
  • 2 tsp Hellmann's Light Mayonnaise
  • 2 large tortilla wraps or rolls
  1. Spread Flora over wraps or rolls.
  2. Place tuna, onion, celery, peanuts and mayonnaise in a bowl and mix together.
  3. Spoon into wrap, top with lettuce and wrap.