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Tuna Sarnie

This simple classic will please even the fussiest of lunchtime fidgetters. With a sprinkle of spring onions, this sandwich is far from boring. Loaded with cheese, tomato, and a crunch of fresh lettuce this will bring a smile to your little one’s face!

To complete this tasty lunchbox, just add some biscuits, carrot sticks and an apple.

This simple classic will please even the fussiest of lunchtime fidgetters. With a sprinkle of spring onions, this tuna sarnie is far from boring.

  • Cooking Time
    10 minutes
  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings2 portions
recipe image Tuna Sarnie
  • 15 g (½oz) Flora Light
  • 1 tbsp Hellmann's Light Mayonnaise
  • 17 g tinned tuna chunks in spring water, drained
  • 2 slices of wholemeal seeded bread
  • 1 - 2 spring onions, finely chopped
  • 40 g (1½oz) cheddar cheese, sliced
  • 1 tomato sliced
  • handful of leafy lettuce
  1. Spread the Flora over the bread.
  2. Mix together the mayo with the tuna and spread over one slice of the bread.
  3. Top with remaining ingredients and sandwich together.