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Vegan Yorkshire Puddings

Looking for light and fluffy Vegan Yorkshire Puddings? Heap on roasted veggies and a boat-full of gravy for a delightfully festive roast dinner.

Looking for light and fluffy Vegan Yorkshire Puddings? Heap on roasted veggies and a boat-full of gravy for a delightfully festive roast dinner.

  • Cooking Time
    30 minutes
  • Prep Time10 minutes
  • Servings12
recipe image Vegan Yorkshire Puddings
  • 75g plain flour
  • 75g chickpea flour
  • 2 ½ tsp baking powder
  • ¼ tsp salt
  • pinch turmeric
  • ½ tsp dry English mustard
  • ¾ tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 100ml aquafaba (liquid from canned chickpeas)
  • 350ml cold water
  • 12 tsp Flora 100% Natural Ingredients
  1. Mix together the dry ingredients.
  2. Whisk in the liquid and leave to rest.
  3. Heat oven to 230C/210C fan.
  4. Put 1tsp Flora 100% Natural Ingredients into 12 individual muffin tins.
  5. Heat in oven until Flora is smoking hot.
  6. Quickly pour pudding mix into each tin until almost full.
  7. Cook for 10 minutes then reduce temperature to 220C/200C fan and continue to cook for about 20 minutes until golden. Do not open oven during cooking.